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Monday, February 25, 2013

Sorry to All

I apologize to anybody who was offended by my last post.  I guess my disclaimers weren't enough of a warning.  I felt desperate to get advice and relate to others who may be/ have been in similar situations with a little sense of humor.  I suppose I got too personal - it's easy to do after having a baby.  My apologies.


  1. You dont need to apologize! you arent forcing anyone to read this. haha. I loved your post and your openness. Luckily for me i really liked sex while pregnant because i didnt have to worry about getting pregnant anymore haha and I felt like we were closer than ever by creating a baby. After I gave birth we were back at it after about 6 weeks and it didnt hurt. I pleasured my hubby in other ways for a while when i wasnt in the mood and i felt weird for a few months before i'd let him go down there (orally ya know) but you are so sweet and needed opinions and a blog is the perfect place for that. if someone was offended then thats their problem. Hopefully sex gets better and less painful. Just ease into it- maybe once or twice a week instead of every or every other day. You are darling and I love you.

    1. Thanks Sharlene! I really needed to hear that. There was much disapproval but thanks for the advice! Everything postpartum can be rough so it's great to have people willing to listen and offer advice! Love you!

  2. I read your post and i wasnt offended at all!! Of course i wasnt! haha But when I am to that point in my life you better believe you'll be the one i come running to for advice!! Your babywise post, made me cry!! We need to have a serious chat soon cause I'm freaking myself out in so many different ways about getting pregnant, having a baby and being a mom!! HELP!!!!
